My style of training includes HIIT training, TRX, Medicine Balls, Body Weight and much more. I personalize all workouts according to your fitness goals. Fill out the for below for more information.
HIIT Training and TRX
HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training
This is burst training that pushes the body for a certain amount of time in order to reach the correct heart rate and muscle burn out followed by a short rest interval. It is a combination of cardio and strength training that is proven to decrease body fat and help tone up.
TRX classes are a combination HIIT class, which pushes the body to a different level. These classes are broken into timed intervals that allow you to go at your own pace and challenge yourself based on your fitness level. The goal is to recruit more muscle fibers while working the entire body to help increase strength and tone up while suspended. Using the TRX allows you to zone in to your core while doing typical exercises. We will include burst training to increase the heart rate as well, which will help you burn the fat and shed the layers!
Health Coaching
Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise and Food Guide: With doctor’s recommendation, I coach you with a team of people to the best health for you and your baby. You will be given a personalized exercise program according to your needs with 10 one on one sessions, a food guide, and natural plant based recommendations.
Natural Weight Loss Plan: You will be given an exercise program for 30 days, 30 day food guide, and natural plant based supplements for 30 days with your purchase
Group Education Events
Natural Weight loss
Raising a Natural Family – Toxin Free
Essential Oil Introduction and Safety
Corporate Wellness
EmpowerMe - A group for
Personal Training
This plan will provide you with an overall fitness program based off of your personal goals and fitness assessment. Nutrition is key when beginning a health and wellness program, so you will be provided a nutritionals plan to follow. To get the best results I recommend adding on the Weight Management (Nutritional Plan). This provides you with the boost your body needs to burn fat, detox the junk out, and increase nutrients with the Moringa Plant and other superfoods, as well as clean eating. More info
One on One: $750/10 sessions
Personalized Fitness program based on your goals and health history. We will meet 1-5 days a week depending on your desire and success. You will be provided a take home booklet with at home workouts to do on your own and nutrition plan.
Partner Training: ($450/10 sessions)
You and a partner will have a Personalized Fitness program based on your goals and health history. We will meet 1-5 days a week depending on your desire and success. You will be provided a take home booklet with at home workouts to do on your own and nutrition plan.
Small Group HIIT Challenge:
Join a group!! This program will be based on overall goals and health history. You will be provided a take home booklet with at home workouts to do on your own and nutrition plan.
Need quick routines or convenience?
30 minute Personal Training sessions
One on One: ($450/10 sessions)
Virtual Home Workout video subscription plan to do on your own ($99/month)